
General Information About Department

About DepartmentInternational trade is an ancient economic activity that has become increasingly complex due to globalizing economic relations, requiring specialization. A multitude of financial products has emerged in international financial markets to finance foreign trade. Companies have a significant need for experts knowledgeable in modern foreign trade transactions, various documents, and financing methods. Meanwhile, logistic applications have also gained great importance in today's economic relations and foreign trade. Due to the specialized nature of this field, companies are increasingly outsourcing these activities to logistic firms. For these reasons, expertise in international trade and logistics is definitely seen among the sought-after professions of today and the future.
In this context, the purpose of the international trade and logistics department is to train qualified expert personnel, middle and upper management candidates who can meet the needs of our country and its region, and who can fulfill the demand for experts in international trade and logistics in both the public and private sectors. To this end, a curriculum has been prepared that will impart students with fundamental knowledge and recent developments in international trade and logistics as well as in business, economics, finance, taxation, mathematics, statistics, quantitative methods, law, and marketing. The program aims to develop skills in reasoning, questioning, researching, quantitative thinking, analyzing, interpreting, and applying knowledge, enabling individuals to make correct decisions, implement and monitor their application. The program's language of instruction is Turkish, and to ensure that students can maintain professional relations well, they are provided with basic and professional foreign language courses throughout their educational years. Our university, through its coordinators, has academic partnerships under the Erasmus and Mevlana programs with 114 different agreements in Europe, Asia, and Africa, offering students the opportunity to study part of their education abroad. Furthermore, students may also opt for an elective second foreign language. The program covers two areas, international trade and logistics, providing significant advantages and job opportunities for graduates.
Career Opportunities
After passing the required exams (ALES and YDS), graduates have the opportunity to pursue academic careers in relevant university departments, work in chambers of commerce and industry, exporter unions, foreign trade capital companies, foreign joint venture production and investment companies, national and international retail sectors, transportation and logistics firms, and tourism companies. They also have opportunities in the Ministry of Development, Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, Export Development Center, Undersecretariat of Treasury, Capital Markets Board, and all private and public banks, as well as in accounting, communication, and customs departments of businesses, in foreign representations, consulates, embassies, and European Union Projects, and as assistant experts and experts in national and international banks, stock exchanges, and brokerage firms, and consultancy companies.
Educational Process
The undergraduate program in international trade and logistics spans four years, consisting of eight semesters. The academic year comprises two 14-week terms, including exam periods. Upon successfully completing the required mandatory courses and a minimum number of elective courses, having earned at least 240 ECTS credits and maintaining a 2.00/4 GPA, students are eligible to graduate from the department. Additionally, students have the option to participate in double major programs concurrently with their current department or join minor programs related to other departments.